Saturday, August 29, 2009

a dream is a wish your heart makes

So this was posted on an old college acquaintance's facebook. I just had to swipe and post it myself. I'm pretty sure this is one decision the man could make that would be fool-proof, 100% satisfactory with anyone who's opinion on tv is worth anything ;) laptop...the one we bought less that 4 months experiencing technical difficulties. I am ANGRY about this. Maybe the prez could work on that for me as well? WHY why why, universe, can I not get at least one year without my computer crashing??? to finish my book & then sleep early tonight.
Happy Birthday to my daddy tomorrow :)



Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there will be no executive order to revive Arrested Development. Though, it would be s nice political move. I mean, who would complain about a government bailout of Bluth Industries?

Jessica Townsend said...

haha. exactly!