Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I've lost count

It may seem a bit early, but fall is definitely coming to Southern IN. The weather is cooler, breezy-er, and even some leaves are falling (especially at my Grandma's house). The stores, of course, are shoving this season into full swing with pumpkins, happy harvest signs, candied apples, and mums everywhere you go. Irritating as I find it when corporate America jumps the gun like that, I must say that I really do not mind this time. I love Autumn. I love the smells and the weather, and the food and the home decor, even general feel of it. I love adding the Big Ten back to our cable plan in preparation for the college football & bball seasons! ....and Autumn were to arrive early & stay a month longer this year, I welcome it!

Random: a rather large SQUIRREL found its way into my car this week. I left my client's apartment after helping her put away groceries. I nearly got into my driver's seat when I heard this noise, looked back & saw it scurrying around my backseat. I screamed *just a little...and then waited with my door open until he came out. Weird things happen to me.

This week has been slow for work. I should probably be more upset, but how can I complain when I've had such nice days to be off? I spent much of the day Tuesday cleaning & potting the huge mums I got on sale. I have even been able to wash the floor mats in from my car! I feel rested this week for a change. I finished The Half Blood Prince & have moved on to the very last of the Harry Potter series. Oops...except I need to read book 5 b/c I skipped it. yelling please. I really don't care to hear what a crime I've committed here from all of you super fans. I definitely need to scrape for more work hours from now on. But, I really didn't mind this week.

Jenn comes to town this weekend. I can NOT wait! I miss her. Also, in just a couple weeks, Matthew is taking me to Chicago to see Sarah & go to this festival for my Birthday :) Ok, enough typing for tonight.

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