Well...we took the plunge this weekend!
Matthew & I, along with some great friends, family, & 200 other volunteers....ran full speed into Deam Lake on Saturday morning. We helped to raise over 48,000 dollars for Special Olympics programming! Our team alone (The Chillie Willies) raised 2500 dollars.
There was 3 inches of ice on the lake...the dive team had to clear an area for us to plunge in! It wasn't too cool outside, but the water was around 32 degrees. Matt, Aimee, and I sported Double Dare contestant outfits. The others on our team wore Willie Nelson bandannas and braids :) There were lots of fun costumes from other groups too. The polar plunge is definitely one of the most fun fundraisers I've ever been apart of. This was my 2nd year and Matt's 1st year. Hopefully we can do it again next Feburary.
WHY do we volunteer to jump in a lake in the dead of winter to raise money for the Special Olympics? Great question!
I can tell you from 1st hand experience that Special Olympis is an organization that directly benifits people with disabilities. Special Olympics improves the quality of life for many of the kids I work with and many of the adults I have worked with. Special Olympics provides opportunities for families to have social support and interaction with other local families who are living with similar disabilities. Special Olympics games have given confidence to kids who might not have attempted or been able to do school sports teams. This organization is all about building people up & providing community. If you're looking for a good way to give back in your community...Special Olympics is something to check out!
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