Today was a great Wednesday. I ended up having all day until 5pm for spending time with Matthew & he was able to shift some things to hang with me. I did some networking for community outings for MDS & caught up on Dreams w/ Wings paperwork this morning. Matt made biscuits & we had a real breakfast sitting at the table and everything! haha. FYI this like, never happens. We also rearranged our bedroom (I've been requesting this favor for a couple months now) b/c well...I get this itch to rearrange every 6 months or so.
Matthew's cellular has been misbehaving. I think our friend Aaron gets a call from him like every hour on the hour. SO we took it into best buy & upgraded/traded both our phones for new ones. I was incredibly nervous that we would spend too much, but God smiled on us & we got sweet deals.
Tomorrow begins independence weekend for us. After I get off work, Christina and Jake (along w/ their little dog Sophie) will be coming in. Friday, my cousin Kim is bringing her cat "Kitty" to live with us for a few weeks while she closes on her condo/moves, etc. So in the next 2 days there will be 3 cats, a dog, and a number of humans in and out of our home. Good times.
Happy 4th of July to all :)
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