One of the kids in the MDS therapy program was telling me all about her upcoming vacation to Dollywood. In order to keep confidentiality, we will call her Mia...which is Not even close to her name but somehow still kinda fits. She is the most sassy, smartypants little girl I have ever met. I absolutely love working with her b/c she keeps me on my toes. She is very intelligent and really have to try to outsmart her. Much as they give me headaches, I like the challenging clients.
At this moment, I am watching Secret life of the American teenager...yes, again. I have this crazy fascination with the show. I just....keep.....watching it. I honestly am so irritated with these dumb & extremely unrealistic teenagers that I want to scream. I also just haaaaave to know if Amy and Ben will ever break up. they will. And if the baby belongs to the boyfriend of ex-hub of molly ringwald. I'm nuts.
I had a laundry list of things to write about....but I've sort of lost the ambition to complete it. I've been working out my fall schedule between my 2 jobs & its so much more stressful than it needs to be. I really hate to disappoint people...generic as that sounds...and everyone wants the same time-slots. Apparently my line of work means I can never have an evening free throughout the week. The thing is...I don't mind it most of the time.
Ok...gotta quit rattling on about nothing. Peace, friends.
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