Monday, May 11, 2009

Tracking progress

Spent Mothers day weekend running around Southern IN this year. I spent most of Saturday with my mom and grandma. We randomly ran into cousin Christie, her husband & 2 boys at lunch. CRAZY! how that kind of thing happens. We haven't seen them in a long time. I think Granny really enjoyed that.
Sunday, my mom came to church with me & decided very last minute that she wanted to go to Churchill Downs that day with a bunch of families from the neighborhood. The track is CROWDED on this weekend...its almost like going a couple days before Derby. People everywhere. We had a good time was just a little chaotic. Matthew & I won $5 on a $6 bet. haha. We didn't do so hot...and we bought lunch there too so...yeah. I guess the important thing is, my mom got to spend the day how she wanted. This is her 1st year without Nenaw on Mom's day. She definitely need the distractions. I just wanted to see her happy. She deserves that...I wanted her to have fun & not worry about anything.
Now that I look back at it...I kind of needed something to laugh at too. I've been dipping into this funk...this really blank, sad mood lately....and it was nice not to have a chance to go there Saturday or Sunday. Little downtime + laughter + other people always chattering about something = no time to dwell on last year's events.
They say time heals...but for me its like...the more time passes, the more I miss her. Like an old friend who's moved away. I miss our conversations & being able to drop in on her randomly. Anyone was always welcome, if you could catch her at home (which was rare). I miss venting to her about mom...b/c she totally got it. She loved mom fiercely, but she also knew her inside-out & she knew what I struggled with being my mother's daughter. She could always put a situation into perspective...sometimes very bluntly...and it always left me understanding my mom better than ever. I miss walking up to family gatherings and seeing her sitting there laughing or helping out with the kids. I miss babysitting Shane & Nathan with her & hearing her brag about how well Shane could navigate the computer. I miss a lot of things. But this is getting too long.

Summer is beginning. I can't wait! Matthew will finally get a chance to breathe & concentrate on his master's classes. He is SO close to the finish-line. He works so hard. He hasn't had much personal time at all this month or last...he's been swamped & when school lets out...he will finally have some time again :) I also can't wait b/c Summer Program for MDS begins in June! I will have a steady schedule & be doing therapy sessions 20hrs a week alllll summer! Not to mention the people I work with are awesome & it will be fun to see them 3 days/week. The other 2 days will also rock b/c I'll have my 2 DWW clients (adults) who are fun to work with & since its summer we can get out and stuff!

I better get going...its almost time for my work day to being.
Much love

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