Monday, May 18, 2009

June coming

Its almost summer...and I don't think Matthew & I have ever been so ready for a season change. lol. He is soooo ready for school to be out & I am SO ready for summer program to begin at Meaningful Days. Spring has been crazy for us...something about summer promises us a better deal than anytime between March and May.

We've been working in the yard a lot it is rough! haha...getting your yard in order takes more than I thought it would. I spent like 2 hrs cutting up our overgrown bushes Sunday! Then you have to pick up all the clippings which takes forever! I gotta say looks much better :)

Our next project is to get the attic up and running. I think Matt's going to recruit some help for that soon & try to get it done before summer really heats up. Anybody have any suggestions on attics? We have pull-down stairs to get up there from the garage.

Alright...I better get moving.

OH! and something I have found HILARIOUS lately....the preview for Snakes on a Plane....its been on tv all week....where Samuel L Jackson is like "I am gettin TIRED of all these snakes on this plane." HAHA...i've never seen the movie, but i might have to now.

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