Saturday, August 21, 2010

Makeover 2010

In the past month: Matthew and I have rearranged our house, stained and added furniture, gone to war with the weeds in our yard, moved his classroom in the newly renovated high school he is teaching at (still FC), and moved Meaningful Day Services (my job) into its very 1st building in Southern Indiana. Classroom set ups for a teacher are grueling enough...add to that working on our own home and assisting with moving, cleaning, painting, and organizing an entire building for a company that has been literally living out of cars, boxes, and home-offices for 3yrs. We used to hold our staff meetings at coffee shops...Now we have a conference room! We barely had the budget for the building itself...and through donations from our client's families to the employees of the city of Jeffersonville to a local Catholic school...we are nearly all furnished. We are also refinancing our home through the bank in exchange for a sweet interest rate.. All I can say is that God is good and faithful and so, so generous. But also...we are so exhausted this month...and I think "exhausted" is kind of an understatement. I have definitely had some angry "WHY can't I be sitting on a beach right now" moments....some "2 Pina Coladas" moments.

It feels like everything in our lives is being renovated right now. Our work spaces are different, my job is different, our home is different, our bills will soon be different...crazy life! But I suppose if we're going to be so busy it is good to be busy with exciting, positive things. I've just been a bit overwhelmed...I think Mattie has been too.

Another positive to Grandma is now able to be in her own home after a LONG battle with hip surgery + infection + more hip surgery + rehab. Yippee!

Maybe Next summer we can take a real vacation...

"Now I’ve got a smile
That goes on for miles
With no inclination to roam

I’ve gotta say
That I think I’ve gotta stay
‘Cause this is feelin’ more and more like home

So bring me two pina coladas
One for each hand
Let’s set sail with Captin Morgan
And never leave dry land"

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