So this isn't a photo of the actual event - but - the Belle (a beloved historical steamboat used as a tourist attraction here in Louisville) crashed into a barge. In our part of the Ohio, we see a great many barges sailing up & down the river. Every great once in awhile, the barges will bump into one of our bridges...causing massive traffic delays. You see...they have to close the bridge that was hit & check it over so it doesn't COME CRASHING DOWN AROUND US. yikes. Guess that is almost worth sitting on an alternate highway for an extra hour to drive like 17 miles. I think this is the 1st time I've heard of a run-in with another boat though. The paper stated a gust of wind as the reason for the Belle floating into the barge. I wonder if the 300 passengers had any qualms with their captain allowing the boat close enough that a "gust of wind" could shove it into a barge? The wheel was cracked & 8 or so people injured...nothing too major + no traffic problems. whew!
Matthew spoke at the teaching conference a couple weekends ago. He, of course, did wonderfully & was praised by his peers on his Where's Waldo Lesson. I wish I could've been there to see his animated speaking voice in front of like 200 other teachers with similar senses of humor! I'm sure he had them in stitches. That same weekend we also got to spend some time with Sarah, Tom, Jenn, & that side of the family :) . We did the harvest homecoming thing & spent Saturday night making calzones / hanging out with our little cuz, Ella. We had a really fun night with everyone! I really love my cousins....we are blessed.
Last weekend we got a chance to host 2 of our very favorite people & a couple new ones too. Our friend, Heather, came thru town to attend a conference in New Albany. She & her pals are studying Environmental Science. They were learning about clean water for developing countries. Their conference sounded REALLY interesting! Matt & I got to talk with Heather in the evenings after work & after her conference hours. It was so nice having her here! AND we've had Kel in town for over a week off and on. She is a great house guest. We absolutely love her :) and chatting with her about her adventures being a nanny in New York City. Catching up sessions. sigh. Again, we are blessed. And I am blessed to have a husband who is totally happy to share our home.
Work has been ...still nuts...but increasingly better. I have been told I'm coming off as "over stressed" by friends. I guess that makes sense but all should know that it is slowly becoming a better situation. I'm getting the hang of some things, delegating more, and taking my tasks one at a time. I'm going to have a full but constant schedule for Nov. which promises to be even a step more stable than Oct. By the new year, I think I will feel less scattered and more focused.
Matt is even caught up right now on grading and school work of all kinds. Sweet! This means we get to have an awesome weekend pumpkin carving at a party & then hosting a little dinner party of our own! Fun.
Peace, friends!
For the prayer lists...some things going on at church lately. Nothing I care to elaborate on...but I think Matt & I both need some sort of assurance that we are still in a healthy, growing, Jesus-like community.
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