Saturday, August 8, 2009

wiggity whack

I almost forgot...Tuesday this week, I actually got FLOODED into work. I literally was not allowed to leave per order of the city of Jeffersonville, due to the excess of rainwater that day. I had to cancel my Louisville DWW clients for the evening & go straight home from the MDS office (in downtown Jeff). It felt like a million years going from point A to point B b/c so many streets were still closed when I headed home.

The top photo is from the church steps. MDS rents office/work space from them. The one on the bottom is of the office building/church across the street. Eeerrr...across the canal for that day, anyway. This guy was floating around in a big tin tub. My coworkers & I were watching as people waded out into the road. NASTY. The water looked like something you could get cholera or typhoid from. But leave it to the people of Southern IN to decide for themselves & in they go. I suppose if they die from it, it is sort of like natural selection. The stupider members of the species get killed off by making stupid choices. I bet they could make a kickass reality show with that concept. I'd probably give it half and hour a week...if they can get janice dickinson, or paris hilton, or someone like that.

Matthew is pretty peeved with me at the moment. I am supposed to be cleaning out my drawers in our filing cabinet. I'm so totally unmotivated right now. I just want to research mineral make-up (yep Sarah, I'm thinking about making the switch too!) and read harry potter. I guess I should have at it though...peace friends.

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