Matthew & I went to bed entirely too late last night...this morning by body was BEGGING me to stay under the covers, call in sick, whatever it took to not get up. I did it anyway tho....proceeded to shower & burn a blister into my forehead w/ the curling iron that it took me a couple seconds too long to register was insanely hot against my skin. I went to work with an achy stomach, burning head, and no coffee in my system.
It rained off and on ALL day. Outside, it was incredibly humid. I took my therapy client to bowling & had to stand in the rain assembling & disassembling her wheelchair both ways. Today was also the 1st weigh-in day for our group of weight-watcher gals at work...Which is obviously not the most fun part of my day! Then, I ended up needing to stay a couple hours late to finish up a project b/c we are leaving town for the big Polka/Irvin wedding tomorrow :) and I had to turn it in. During this time, I had a really encouraging & really great conversation with my boss. When we walked outside, I went to start my car was completely DEAD b/c I had left my lights on from like 1pm until 6pm. Boo. In the POURING RAIN, Matthew comes w/ borrowed jumper cables & I am home about 7:30pm before its all over. It is still raining pretty heavily as I type even now.
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