Monday, June 22, 2009

heat wave

Summer is definitely in full swing,; 91 degree days with high humidity. The kind of weather that makes me drip sweat all day and jump into muddy lakes just to take the edge off. It really works, by the way...swimming in lakes. Add some good friends to that & its good for the soul too. However cheesy that may sound, it is undeniably true.
Anne & I threw a bachelorette weekend for Christina last Friday-Sunday. We all met in Brown County, IN for dinner & to pick up breadsticks. Most of us are IU alumni, so it was great to just be another hometown or something. I adore Bloomington. Sometimes I feel like I still belong there, other times it seems like I never lived there at all. After dinner, we caravaned to Anne's family cabin near Nashville, IN. We spent 2.5 days w/ a great group of ladies drinking wines, laying out in the sun, swimming, shopping in Nashville, watching cheesy movies, & oooo-awwing over the bride-to-be. I got to spend some MUCH needed time with friends & relax a lil myself. I am not a good enough writer to express what it felt like to have some time with them all. I loved being there, in the cabin, with all of them.
As all great weekends must, the trip ended on Sunday. I was lucky enough to have time for a lunch with yet more old pals before taking off to my home and husband and cats. It was good to be home - to see Louie, my dad, on father's day & to deliever jam that Sarah made to our Grandma. The jam, by the way, is FANTASTIC! It was good to sleep in our bed after a couple days. Its funny how quickly that man being next to you becomes normal & how strange it feels to not have him there when you're apart. This Wednesday- Friday, Matthew will be gone throwing Jake's party (for Jake and Christina's wedding - we are the besties). This means time apart once again....but for good reason. Guys must be guys and all...I kind of like the idea that I can go be with women & recharge and he can go do his thing w/ the guys too....I think everyone needs that once in awhile. Even us old married fogies.
Work will keep me busy this week anyway....Summer program is definitely a challenge. I am learning so much about our kids. I am learning so much about the business of being an ABA Therapist. I am also hot & tired at the end of each full day there! haha. It helps though, to love what you're doing & to enjoy your co-workers too. My DWW adult clients are back from vacation this week....that means getting back on track with our regular routines. My schedule will be back to normal too. Part time at the program, part time at DWW. As you know, I love the variety.
Okay...definitely time for bed. It looks like they are going to re-run the Secret Life of the American Teenager again tonight....I've been watching the show all evening & well....I wish I wasn't but I am hooked on this unrealistic portrayl of selfish, stupid, oversexed kids. Tonight, the Christian girl had sex with her bf after giving this speech that made pretty much no sense as to why God was cool with it. Then they killed her dad off the show. Lol....I guess the moral of the story is teen sex = daddy dies??? Also, if the girl with the baby gets any more whiney.....I might throw something at the tv. You screwed up, so will not get a "normal" teenage experience. get over it. I really have to stop watching that show.....

Sweet dreams, friends.

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